Statistics for 2004 U.S. Nationals Event Segments

(For each metric smaller values are better.  Items in red are excessively larger than desirable.)

Event Segment


Average Absolute Deviation

RMS Deviation

Deviation Distribution

Percent Outliers

Use of Both Marks

Outliers per Group of Four


12 1.380 1.951 0.419 6.5 0.108 1.33


12 0.963 1.546 0.441 7.4 0.135 1.11
NMSP 12 1.148 1.800 0.454 7.4 0.143 1.21
NMFS 12 0.796 1.269 0.268 1.9 0.152 0.79
NPSP 12 1.241 1.716 0.450 5.1 0.101 1.31
NPFS 12 0.630 1.000 0.269 0 0.112 0.60
NDCD1 12 1.759 2.361 0.289 16.7 0.131 1.67
NDCD2 12 1.389 2.041 0.475 10.2 0.165 1.31
NDFD 12 0.870 1.305 0.366 1.9 0.158 0.83


13 0.769 1.147 0.541 0 0.126 0.76


13 0.713 1.169 0.406 1.7 0.112 0.82
JMSP 12 1.741 2.361 0.410 16.7 0.164 1.64
JMFS 12 1.630 2.329 0.540 15.7 0.151 1.54
JPSP 13 1.162 1.778 0.498 7.4 0.173 1.22
JPFS 13 0.615 0.978 0.219 0.9 0.126 0.66
JDCD1 13 0.855 1.450 0.317 5.1 0.141 0.82
JDCD2 13 0.803 1.359 0.263 4.2 0.188 0.79
JDOD 12 0.685 0.986 0.425 0 0.127 0.99
JDFD 12 0.407 0.707 0.191 0 0.120 0.41


21 1.238 1.984 0.758 9.0 0.157 1.19


20 0.611 1.033 0.554 1.1 0.150 0.70
SMSP 22 1.323 1.864 0.595 7.6 0.166 1.32
SMFS 20 0.800 1.243 0.456 1.7 0.135 0.85
SPSP 20 1.367 2.212 0.779 7.8 0.159 1.22
SPFS 20 0.717 1.108 0.344 0.6 0.117 0.67
SDCD 12 0.500 0.923 0.176 0.9 0.141 0.54
SDOD 11 0.505 0.899 0.140 0 0.121 0.58
SDFD 11 0.364 0.711 0.228 0 0.130 0.38